Saturday, August 31, 2019

Purpose and Meaning of Human Existence Essay

One of the great ironies with respect to Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot is that one of the world’s greatest plays is so poorly understood. There are, to be sure, many conflicting interpretations. Precise themes or intentions have been difficult to discern from the play’s text. These interpretive difficulties have been complicated by the fact that Beckett was often evasive when asked about the exact purpose of certain characters in the play or the meaning of the text. This is not meant to suggest that certain themes and intentions cannot be determined, for there certainly appear to be certain thematic patterns, but instead to suggest that the play does appear in certain ways to be open to different types of interpretations. A review of the scholarly texts and articles, for instance, reveals academic arguments to the effect that the play is about God, salvation, the French resistance to German occupation in the historical period in which the play was written, the purpose of human existence, and the meaningless of time. With such a variety of interpretations, supported by specific references to the play’s text and other historical circumstances, it would seem nearly impossible to identify an overarching or unifying theme. A careful examination of the play’s text, however, suggests that such a dominant thematic element can be found. The thesis of this paper, therefore, is that the dominant theme in Waiting for Godot is the human being’s search for purpose and meaning in a world that human beings either do not understand or cannot understand. In support of this thesis, this paper will attempt to harmonize the different critical interpretations and demonstrate that the main characters through their dialogue on a number of different subjects consistently illustrate the human quest for purpose and meaning in a world that seems hopelessly beyond their comprehension. Critical Confusion and Multiple Interpretations: Harmonizing Different Perspectives As an initial matter, before proceeding to an examination of the play’s text, it is useful to present the critical confusion that has arisen from multiple interpretations of the play. This is useful because even these different interpretations can be harmonized to some extant if the truly dominant theme of the play is said to be the human search for purpose and meaning in a complicated or complex world. It is well-established, for example, that the play presents a series of universal questions; specifically, as one academic has observed, â€Å"Waiting for Godot, in many ways, simply extends those uncertainties: Why are we here? Are we alone in an uncaring universe, or not? What are we to do while we are here? How can we know? And, ultimately, what does it matter? â€Å"(Hutchings x) These types of questions, to a large extant, transcend many of the conflicting interpretations. If Godot is God, as some have argued, then Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for God. They freely admit that they are not particularly familiar with Godot and this admission reflects and reinforces the fact that these two human beings do not have a perfect knowledge of the creator of their world. If Godot is not God, as some have argued, then Vladimir and Estragon are perhaps waiting for some type of intellectual spark in order to tell them why they are waiting, whether they should leave, or whether it might be better to leave their spot by the tree and take affirmative steps to go and find the mysterious Godot. In either event, whether Godot represents God or a figurative type of intellectual illumination, the core theme is one of two human beings who seem consistently unable to determine what to do. They engage in a series of superficial conversations, they consider suicide as a way of ending their confusion, and in the end they remain firmly planted on the country road much as the tree where they wait is firmly planted in the ground. Even if one is to assume, as some scholars have, that the play is really an artistic allusion to the French resistance or the onset of the Cold War, this does not necessarily undermine the notion that human beings are somehow trapped within a world or social circumstances in which they have little control or little understanding. The important point, for purposes of this paper’s thesis, is that the conflicting interpretations can be transcended if one assumes that the transcendental theme is one most specifically related to the human being’s search for purpose and meaning in a confusing physical world. Whether Vladimir and Estragon are waiting for God, a real person, intellectual knowledge of social circumstances, or the laws of the universe is fundamentally tangential to the fact that they are helpless in the circumstances that Beckett has created. They are petty, feeble, and passive. The rest of this paper therefore proceeds from the assumption that the conflicting interpretations can be unified by treating the fundamental theme as the search for purpose and meaning in life. This fundamental theme will be discussed in the following sections by referring to specific features of the play. Significance of Human Companionship: Pairs, Dependence, and Shared Searches One of the most important structural features of the play is the fact that human beings are portrayed as being extraordinarily dependent and unable to exist in isolation or individually. This is most evident in the fact that the play’s characters come in pairs and seem in many ways to be inseparable. The main characters, for instance, are Vladimir and Estragon. It would appear that they have arrived as a pair, they continue to wait as a pair, and although they never leave they do talk about leaving as a pair. They have different personalities, they would appear to have different backgrounds given the different stories that they tell, and yet they seem unwilling or unable to separate and go their own ways. This notion of human inseparability, a common fear or ignorance about the meaning of human existence, is particularly clear when Vladimir and Estragon are discussing the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and the two thieves on the cross next to Jesus. Specifically, the fear of being alone and the emphasis of human companionship is provided in the following passage VLADIMIR: Ah yes, the two thieves. Do you remember the story? ESTRAGON: No. VLADIMIR: Shall I tell it to you? ESTRAGON: No. VLADIMIR: It’ll pass the time. (Pause. ) Two thieves, crucified at the same time as our Saviour. One— ESTRAGON: Our what? VLADIMIR: Our Saviour. Two thieves. One is supposed to have been saved and the other . . . (he searches for the contrary of saved) . . . damned (Becket n. p. ) This passage illustrates the need for human companionship and also the need for human beings to depend on each other. This companionship is necessary because human beings must face the uncertainties of the world and human existence together. The dependence is thus caused by a fear that individuals will be unable to cope with these uncertainties whereas humans sharing these fears can at least confront these uncertainties together. This common bond, in short, helps human beings to deal with their confusion about the meaning of human existence better than if they pondered these questions alone. An examination of the entire play consistently reinforces these notions of companionship and dependence. Later on in the play, for example, Vladimir and Estragon are considering suicide and the pair again grow concerned that one will successfully commit suicide and the other will fail. The prospect that one of them will die and one will live is a frightening thought for both men because one will be unattended in death and the other will be unattended in life. Again, because the purpose and the meaning of human existence is unknown both in life and in death, the pair refuse to split up or pursue any action that might destroy their emotional and physical bonds. At another point in the play, Estragon states that â€Å"There are times when I wonder if it wouldn’t be better for us to part† to which Vladimir responds rather matter-of-factly â€Å"You wouldn’t go far. † (Beckett n. p. ). The play could not exist as it was intended if the pair ever did separate. The quest for purpose and the meaning of human existence is therefore a common human quest rather than an individual’s personal burden. These notions of human companionship and a shared quest are even more powerfully presented with the human pairing of Pozzo and Lucky. In their first appearance, Lucky is a slave and yet he prefers being a slave and being dependent to being set free. Lucky is ridiculed, he is called a pig, and yet he reacts angrily when someone other than Pozzo attempts to help him; more particularly, he kicks Estragon in the shins. A telling scene in this respect is when Lucky appears to faint after dancing and giving his rather incoherent speech; more particularly, Pozzo is deeply fearful at the prospect of losing his slave when he says Don’t let him go! (Vladimir and Estragon totter. ) Don’t move! (Pozzo fetches bag and basket and brings them towards Lucky. ) Hold him tight! (He puts the bag in Lucky’s hand. Lucky drops it immediately. ) Don’t let him go! (He puts back the bag in Lucky’s hand. Gradually, at the feel of the bag, Lucky recovers his senses and his fingers finally close round the handle. ) Hold him tight! (Beckett n. p. ) Even a human master is dependent on his slave, the companionship of master and slave is intimate because both fear facing the uncertainties of life alone, and like the bond that exists between Vladimir and Estragon, so too does a very real bond exist between Pozzo and Lucky. This bond is reinforced in the second act when Pozzo returns blind and his neck is tied to a rope being held by Lucky. Pozzo could not sell his slave and the slave is now leading the master. As if these two clues were not enough, Beckett included yet one more human pair to emphasize the common fears that human beings have about the purpose of their lives and the meaning of human existence. This final human pairing is the boy sent as Godot’s messenger. The boy and Godot constitute a final human pairing and the boy recounts to Vladimir and Estragon that Godot is real and that Godot â€Å"beats my brother. † (Beckett, n. p. ) Despite the beatings, the boy and his brother remain with Godot as is established at the end of the second act. This scene is also notable because it establishes that Godot exists and that the most essential human relationships are about the aforementioned human pairings rather than about Vladimir and Estragon waiting for Godot. The waiting, as it were, may simply be the context within which Beckett sought to establish the shared human bonds with respect to their confusion about the meaning of life. The question thus becomes how these dependent and mutually burdened companions ought to approach their lives. Function of Idleness: Fear of Action and Aversion to Failure In addition to their unwillingness to separate, Vladimir and Estragon seem also quite unwilling to commit to any action despite a great deal of conversation. To be sure, the play is marked almost exclusively by dialogue rather than action. The pair carry on a series of seemingly endless conversations, most of them rather childish and inane, and these conversations in the end seem to represent a rather firm commitment to making no commitments at all. Vladimir, for example, recognizes this fear of action or commitment when he says to Estragon Let us do something, while we have the chance! It is not every day that we are needed. Not indeed that we are personally needed. Others would meet the case equally well, if not better. To all mankind they were addressed, those cries for help still ringing in our ears! But at this place, at this moment of time, all mankind is us, whether we like it or not. Let us make the most of it, before it is too late! (Beckett qtd. in Brater 147) Vladimir and Estragon, for all of their apparent desire to actually meet Godot, are wholly unprepared to take any affirmative steps to actually go and locate him on their own initiative. They admit that time is passing, that they represent â€Å"all mankind†, and that it will be â€Å"too late† if they do not do something. It is this very inability to do something, an inability which they represent figuratively as all human beings, that characterizes their function in the play. There are several clues to the effect that they can find Godot if they were not inhibited or afraid in some way. First, Vladimir and Estragon have obviously followed a country road to the tree where they are waiting for Godot. The fact that they have walked this particular country road, and selected this particular tree, suggests that they know in which direction the mysterious Godot resides. Presumably, if their actions were not somehow constrained, they would simply continue walking along the same country road until they found Godot. They could ask for directions or assistance along the way and they could become more active in pursuit of their ultimate destination. The problem, however, is that both Vladimir and Estragon perhaps do not know their precise destination. The second clue to the effect that the waiting of Vladimir and Estragon is a product of their own doing rather than Godot’s apparent tardiness is the fact that a boy appears twice in the play as a messenger. The boy admits quite literally that he and his brother know Godot, that they are employed or otherwise beholden to him in certain respects, and that he will return to Godot as soon as his message has been provided to Vladimir and Estragon. Why, then, could they not have simply followed the boy home to Godot? Indeed, this is a curious question that can only be resolved if one assumes that Godot is irrelevant to the waiting. Some interpretations, it must be acknowledged, have suggested that Beckett intended Godot as God and that they boy messenger was intended as a type of angel ( Mercier 27); such an interpretation, whether accurate or not, does not undermine a thesis to the effect that the predominant theme remained man’s tentative quest to understand himself and the universe in which he lived. This is true for a couple of reasons. First, when asked whether he intended Godot as God, Beckett repeatedly stated that there was never intended to be any relationship between Godot and God. Presumably, the play’s author knows what was intended. That many interpretations have focused on Godot as God, however, is not surprising. The names are almost the same and the quest to understand the nature and the meaning of human existence necessarily implicates some questions related to God and how the universe was created. Thus, although these interpretations are somewhat rational, the evidence that can be derived from Beckett’s own statements and the play’s text taken as a whole counsel against such an interpretation. God is relevant, as one possible explanation for the meaning of human life, but Godot is no more God than Vladimir and Estragon are hoping for salvation. Godot is Godot and the human pair waiting by the tree are seeking understanding and illumination rather than salvation. Second, the play’s theme is more about the waiting and the rational underlying the waiting than it is about Godot. The entire play, to be sure, takes place in one setting. Other settings, including Godot’s, are tangential and not central features of the play’s structure. The waiting, in this respect, transcends the distant character vaguely known as Godot. One leading scholar of the play has noted how the waiting is more important than Godot by arguing that The play’s minimal plot and action are accurately described in its title: throughout the duration of the play, and throughout an undeterminable amount of time that elapses in their lives, the two central characters await an event that does not happen and may never happen. Meanwhile, necessarily, they pass away their time in some- times abrasive conversation, in chance encounters with a pair of odd passersby, and in expressions of mutual if sometimes exasperated compassion and the long-standing concern that can develop only between inseparable friends. (Hutchings 23) Taken together, the best argument that one can derive from the play’s text is that there is a dominant theme; that dominant theme, in turn, is that human beings are collectively and inseparably bound together by the fact that they do not know the purpose of the human race or the meaning of their own existence. Such a lack of knowledge encourages closer types of human dependence and simultaneously inspires caution, uncertainty, and fear. All the while, amidst this uncertainty and fear, time passes by and all human beings are faced with dying without ever having understood why they existed in the first place. Life is a tree to which we are all tethered much in the same way that Vladimir and Estragon were figuratively tethered. Conclusion In conclusion, Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot is best read as an artistic rendition of the greatest human dilemma of all time. Human beings, in this respect, are born with an imperfect knowledge of themselves and of the universe in which they exist and are expected to function. This imperfect knowledge lends itself to much speculation of the purpose and meaning of human existence, as the many religions around the world forcefully attest to, but in the end it is nothing more than idle and meaningless speculation. Godot, whether he is God or not, is irrelevant in the play. It is the waiting, the search and the confusion that all human beings share, that is the play’s common lamentation. That all of the critics tend to characterize the play as tragedy or comedy somewhat misses the play’s essential nature as a lamentation for a quest for knowledge that can never be fulfilled. We are better advised to forget Godot and get on with living rather than waiting for divine inspiration that will probably never arrive. Works Cited Beckett, Samuel. â€Å"Waiting for Godot. † Samuel Beckett. net Brater, Enoch. â€Å"The Globalization of Beckett’s Godot. † Comparative Drama 37. 2 (2003): 145+. Questia. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. Hutchings, William. Samuel Beckett’s Waiting for Godot: A Reference Guide. Westport, CT: Praeger, 2005. Questia. Web. 10 Dec. 2009. Mercier, Vivian. â€Å"The Uneventful Event. † The Critical Response to Samuel Beckett. Ed. Cathleen Culotta Andonian. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1998. 95-96. Questia. Web. 10 Dec. 2009.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Greed and Evil Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucher Essay

In Chaucers section of the Canterbury Tales, The Pardoners Tale various literary elements occur. He displays personification, and makes death a character, giving him life. He includes a moral to his tale which is greed is the root of all evil(Bible) and gives the story meaning. Chaucers plot is another key part to the story, because it proved greed can bring evil. Chaucer wrote the Pardoners Tale with the theme greed is the root of all evil he was able to show this by using various literary elementsThe moral, greed is the root of all evil(Bible), is displayed through the greediness of the three characters. When the youngest leaves, his mind was able to devise an evil plan caused by greed. His selfishness caused him to do the following, And deftly poured the poison into two. He kept the third one clean, as well he might, For his own drink, meaning to work all night(Chaucer 217-218). The youngest was tempted by greed to commit an evil action. Chaucer wanted the reader to realize money and greed are problems with society. They cause people to commit evil acts. Killing someone for money shows Chaucer wanted one to read this tale and recognize the problems of greed. The Characters are essential to this tale also. Chaucer displays death as a character giving him human traits and personifying him. This personification of death adds a sense of doom and gives a slight fear. Death adds these qualities because dying is like a journey to the unknown, and it naturally scares people to think about it. When Chaucer writes, There came a privy thief, they call him Death, Who kills us all round here(Chaucer 15-16) he attempts to add a sense of fear and terror by saying there is a person who goes around and kills everyone. It is far scarier then using death as a thing that happens instead of using death as a person. Chaucers personification of death improved the story by creating suspense, and terror. The plot of the story is the most important, and uses irony to gives entertainment. The three men went looking for death, and find it to be a heap of gold. The irony of this was that the characters ended up getting killed themselves and on their search for death they met their own death, which was the heap of gold. This ironic occurrence is almost comedic when all three men plan to kill one another and all three men succeed in doing  this. Chaucer writes Thus these two murderers received their due, so did the treacherous young poisoner too.(Chaucer 237-238). The irony here also criticizes greed in humans. It makes fun of the fact that greed really is the root of all evil. Chaucer created this irony for both entertainment and to make a point about greed. In conclusion Chaucer wrote his story with the theme greed is the root of all evil (Bible) and used the literary elements of plot, moral, and characters to achieve this. Chaucer struck fear and added suspense when he personified death. Without personifying death Chaucers story would have been less exciting. Chaucer was ironic with his plot and those who were looking for death found it. This comedic addition also criticized humans and their tendency to be greedy. Chaucer was successful in creating a story which explained how greed is the root of all evil(Bible). Geoffrey Chaucer, The Canterbury Tales, ed. Larry D. Benson (Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 2000). New Testament in Paul’s first epistle to Timothy (1 Timothy 6:10).

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Black Swan Psychology Review Essay

The Black Swan is a psycho thriller film that narrates the demise of a young talented twenty-some year old ballerina named Nina Sayers. The story begins with the main character Nina anticipating her lead role as the Swan Queen in the upcoming new production of Swan Lake. This new version of Swan Lake as presented by the artistic director, Thomas Leroy, tells the story of a virginal girl that is trapped in the body of a White Swan. The White Swan desires to be free but only true love can break her spell. Soon as a handsome prince falls in love with the delicate White Swan and is about to announce his love for her, the White Swan’s lustful twin (the Black Swan) steals the prince away. Devastated, the White Swan kills herself, where in death she finally finds freedom from her curse. Once Nina successfully obtains the role as the Swan Queen, she is to portray both personas of the innocent and fragile White Swan, as well as the destructive and devious Black Swan. As expected Nina could easily capture the essence of the White Swan since they both share very similar personalities. Nina is a well-structured dancer and is always in control of every movement she makes, but her overall timid and fragile character cannot gain the essence of the Black Swan. The Black Swan represents a looser and sensual structure of dance that becomes difficult for Nina to embrace. With such frustration in Nina’s inability to fully grasp both characters in one dance, Nina begins to suffer from delusions, hallucinations, and amongst other irrational behaviors, all of which later contributes to her diagnosis of the borderline personality disorder. Nina’s abnormal behavior becomes more consistent as the date of the show’s premiere approaches. Her disorder develops more as she shows patterns of impulsivity with high levels of instability and anxiety. Borderline personality disorder is known to show a pervasive pattern of unstable self-image that may later lead to an erratic self-destructive behavior. Another symptom that is known to be common with this disorder is having minor to severe episodes of delusions, hallucinations, and/or certain dissociative effects. It is also noted that many people that suffer from borderline personality disorder partake in self-mutilating actions or in more extreme cases much like Nina’s, commit suicide. In the DSM-IV-TR, there are a total of nine criteria for the borderline personality disorder, of which to be characterized with this disorder you must demonstrate five characteristics. Nina Sayers demonstrated 6 criterions and if treated with the behavioral psychotherapy, in time it would have saved her from her ultimate demise. Behavioral therapy focuses on changing observable behavior with the use of learning theory-based principles. Since the development of such learning theories, therapists have been able to control anxiety type behaviors. In the case of Nina, where she is constantly scratching her shoulder under severe stress and partakes in impulsive actions by sleeping with multiple partners, behavioral therapy can model theses pathological behaviors and emphasize learning rather than point fault on herself that may even cause more distress. By decreasing the number of undesirable behaviors that Nina begins to demonstrate throughout the film, a behavioral therapist could use operant conditioning to change future behavior as a function of its previously experienced reinforcement. For the purpose of this case study, I will demonstrate that by using behavioral therapy Nina would have gained control of her impulses and stopped her from harming herself with the use of operant conditioning and even later introduce her onto Dialectical Behavior Therapy. As any therapy session should begin, Nina would first go through a behavioral assessment. Considering Nina’s shy and timid personality, a clinical interview would suit her more efficiently. It is important that Nina should feel that the therapy session is a safe and secure environment where she can talk freely about any concerns especially such deeply personal issues like hallucinations or delusions that come with the territory of those who suffer under borderline personality disorders. This clinical interview should be conducted unstructured in Nina’s case that will strengthen the relationship between the therapist and patient. Remember we want Nina to feel safe and comfortable to freely confine in her therapist of her most personal issues. Another important interview component would be the mental status exam that will try to reveal any signs of symptoms of any psychological problems. An easy observable behavior of Nina would be her low and brief responses to any one she feels inferior to. Nina rarely keeps eye contact to whoever speaks to her directly. She may even reveal delusions, specifically about Lily, another dancer in the film, whom Nina believes is out to steal her role as the Swan Queen. Nina also might share an experience of her night out with Lily where Nina engages in alcohol and drug abuse, as well as promiscuity. All of these observable behaviors may help lead to the overall diagnosis of borderline personality disorder. Once diagnosed Nina will then be able to undergo the behavioral therapy process to identify her issues and resolve them through reinforcements. Behavioral therapy revolves around the idea of changing one’s observable behavior that can be controlled through stimulus or reinforcements. Nina portrays many insecurities and a lack of social skills that can be interpreted due to poor modeling by her mother. Her mother is very controlling and aggressive over Nina, which is shown in one specific scene where Nina’s mother is undressing her adult submissive daughter. Another case is where Nina develops a social avoidance towards others, only to have regular social interactions with her mother. With no subsequent positive reinforcement from other people, other than maybe her mother, Nina has become very suspicious of the intentions of those around her, which might explain why she is often alone and has no friends. A treatment approach for Nina would include the operant conditioning. By identifying the undesired behaviors (i. e. , self-mutilating), we wish to decrease in frequency and use negative reinforcement that will allow Nina to avoid an aversive state that would later decrease the likelihood of that undesired behavior. We would first want to identify the cause to her self-mutilation and attribute a particular behavior to carry on the negative reinforcement. So as Nina’s anxiety begins to escalate and begins to profusely scratch her shoulder, Nina should practice certain breathing exercises that will reduce her stress and possibly even decrease her chance of experiencing a hallucination. Self-monitoring would help to ensure that this conditioning technique is being applied and progressing. More importantly, to successfully treat this disorder it is best to use an approach that was developed for these difficult-to-treat patients with the borderline personality disorder. This therapy is known as the dialectical behavior therapy that places much emphasis on the interaction between patient and therapist. Dialectical behavior therapy uses individual therapy, group skills training, telephone contact, and therapist consultation to add more variety within this unconditional relationship. Within this course of therapy, it is organized into stages of hierarchies of targets in each stage. Stage one focuses on suicidal behavior and therapy-interfering behaviors. Nina would reveal her underlying reason for self-mutilation and delusions that interfere with her daily life. She finds herself having hallucinations of harming herself, like peeling the skin off her finger, that later advances to other behaviors such as excessive scratching on the shoulder. The delusions against Lily, the other ballerina, interfere with her ability to perform the second act of the show because she is on constant alert of what she believes Lily is going to try next to sabotage her lead role. She would need to come to terms with her behavior and find ways to eliminate them from acting out. Next, stage two in the dialectical behavior therapy deals with post-traumatic stress disorders. Here we can attribute the abusive stress Nina has to endure with her mother. Since her mother had to give up her own dreams of becoming a star ballerina due to her pregnancy, she now lives her unfinished dreams through Nina’s career. Nina’s mother keeps Nina in a submissive child-like mentality; minimize her freedom with no lock doors and a child-like room despite the fact that Nina is past twenty years of age. Such trauma makes it difficult for Nina to secure an emotional connection with another person, therefore explains why she is alone most of the time. Others easily victimize Nina, for example Thomas the director, often abuses Nina sexually to arouse her to perform the Black Swan character more vividly for the show. In this stage, Nina should learn new mechanisms of which to deal or completely bypass these situations. The last stage focuses on self-esteem and individual treatment goals. Nina will be able to work on her self-image that can lead her to accept herself for who she really is. Nina seems to have a problem with not being able to naturally satisfy her desires without conflicting with her own moral. In the case where she goes out with Lily for the night, Nina is very intrigued with how promiscuous Lily is with other men. Nina shows signs of sexual deprivation that later, on impulse, Nina engages in drug abuse that later leads to sexual interactions with multiple partners. In this stage of therapy, Nina will be able to build up her self-esteem that is constantly brought down by her mother and production director. Nina is shown submissive to both characters throughout the beginning of the film, until she has a complete psychotic meltdown and begins to act on impulse and hallucinations. As unfortunate as Nina’s death was in the end, it’s not hard to notice there were many chances for which intervention would have been great aid before matters had gotten worse. Although it is common that individuals with borderline personality disorder do not consider themselves ill-willed and seldom seek help, if Nina had, she would have been able to decrease her undesired behaviors and had found more appropriate measures of dealing with her problems.

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Detroit and Cleveland Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Detroit and Cleveland - Essay Example Once upheld because of its transportation system, the cities are now considered hinterlands which thankfully, have awakened concerned parties to look into the issue and find solutions. The solution they found is to improve the transportation system, which politicians found to be a potential investment as examined what happened in the cities around the world which rapidly developed during the last decades. Detroit, which started its influence in the transportation system, first applied the Gallatin plan, making canals that linked the city to other cities and eventually to other states. This made transportation and economic transactions easier and consequently improving the city’s economy. Eventually, people moved in to the city with new businesses and creating jobs that made the city into a suburb that attracted more people. The growth of Detroit’s population continued with a steep density gradient as it looked towards improving roads for easier transportation, eyeing th e use of airlines to concentrate people in the city. Likewise, Cleveland had a similar experience that made it have a name that could be compared to the formerly mentioned city. It is then observed that transportation indeed have a great influence in the success of a city’s economy. ... Citizens cried for a better transportation system that would allow them faster and safer travels so they could perform well in their responsibilities. With the glory of the aforementioned cities lost, their populations decreased, affecting their economy and leaving them to seem provincial when compared to cities in Spain which a few decades ago were very far behind when it comes to their economic status. The comparisons with Spain and China became a challenge to the two cities and are now planning their course of action to attract back people to move into the lands, invest in the cities and have their residencies, with an economic based program concentrated on the railway system. Detroit’s plan to use state of the art technology in the transportation system would bring a great change in the travel experiences of people, as they move from place to place on comfortable, high speed rails. The cities envision railroads that allow fast-paced transportations comparable to highly imp roved transport systems of Spain and probably with the German autobahn. The cities look forward to a bright future as they plan to make transportation systems that are wired, using light emitting diodes to produce a dream come true for the nation. This plan is supported by the current president of America however, the financial assistance offered by the government is not sufficient enough to support the project. Despite such a problem, the nation is still hopeful that this will come to pass as the evidence of what high technology transportation has brought to other nations, has proven to be worth the sacrifices. Urban renewal is aimed with the improvement

The quick and easy way to effective speaking Essay

The quick and easy way to effective speaking - Essay Example In other words, this means that the public speaker should try and acquaint him/herself with what causes fear when it comes to public speaking. It is vital for people to prepare themselves in a proper manner by assembling and arranging their ideas earlier (Carnegie 34). They could then rehearse the talk/speech with their friends just to have a feel of what they could expect. Carnegie advises people not to memorize their speech word by word, because this, most of the times, leads to confusing when delivering the actual speech. It is also vital to predetermine your mind to success by not thinking about the negatives, but only the positives. Also, Carnegie thinks that it is important to act confidence even if one is not actually confident (Carnegie 41). In addition, in order to be an effective public speaker, people should be eager to share their speech, talk or idea with their listeners. They should ensure that they are pleased with their subject of choice before sharing it with others. Also, another factor is that a public speaker should talk about something they have earned the right to speak about through study or experience (Carnegie 55). Such subjects include their life’s story and what life has taught them. This will go a long what they establish the truthfulness of the information being passed. So of the ways I intend to apply the above stated rules to overcome and enhance my own public speaking include learning the history of other prominent public speakers, studying the goals of public speaking and also determining my own success. For instance, I will look choose a speaker who is rated highly by the public and study how they developed into prominent public speakers. I will look at what they talk about and how they talk to their listeners. I will look at how they behave in an unexpected situation and many more. Also, I will look at someone who is close to me and knows how to speak to a multitude of people. I can

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

History questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

History questions - Assignment Example In response to aggressiveness, British soldiers opened fire upon civilians in order to maintain order. This slaughtering of civilians enraged the colonists. Lastly, the Quartering Act was an order in which the colonists were required to take in soldiers and provide for them. This angered the colonists as this served as a drain on already scarce and expensive resources. The English thought that it was necessary due to the fact that it was a reimbursement for having soldiers to protect the colonists from Indians, other countries. Etc. The Boston Massacre is considered by many to be one of the primary starting points to the start of the Revolutionary War. Evidence and speculation from the time leads many questions to be asked as to far who was the sole instigator in the act. Boston was already in turmoil as tensions were rising between the British and the colonists. Often, the colonists would taunt the soldiers. On this particular incident, it was reported that the taunting had reached an elevated level. In order to disperse the crowd, shots were fired into the air. This translated into turmoil in which the soldiers opened fired on the civilians until both parties retreated. Regardless of the facts, it is the colonists who instigated the attacks. The soldiers were just doing their duty and enforcing the laws. If this were to happen today with a riot facing the police, even if the policies were unfair, the blame would fall on the crowd. The purpose of the preamble of the Declaration of Independence was written in response as to the way the crown was treating the colonists. In essence, it was a dictatorship. As a result, the preamble states that the power, which is wielded by the government, is derived directly from the power, which is given by the people. The understanding that â€Å"all men are created equal† meant only white males in the colonies. At this time, women’s rights were unheard of and blacks were regarded as slaves meaning they were in es sence treated as property. The Declaration of Independence was a justification for why the colonies needed to break away from the corrupt form of government in England. The Virginia and New Jersey plans were created in order to help set up the new form of government, which would govern over the new independent colonies. The Virginia plan was based on the power in the government being based on population. Thus larger states would have more representative power in the government. The smaller states felt that this was not fair; therefore they constructed a system based on equality, one vote per state. The Connecticut Compromise set up a bicameral legislature, using the New Jersey Plan as a template. The Senate would have equal representation given by each state and population would base the House of Representatives. Samuel Slater is known as the father of the American Industrial Revolution. His idea of interchangeable parts allowed industry and the creation of machines to be accelerate d due to the fact that these parts could now be easily replaced and changed in mechanical components. One of the main areas in which Slater had an impact was on the textile industry, in particular the Lowell mills. It combined the textile and weaving process all in the same building, which maximized production and efficiency. Calhoun’s theory of nullification stated that in some instances, a state has the right to refuse to recognize a federal law within its

Monday, August 26, 2019

Neonatal Intensive Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

Neonatal Intensive Care - Essay Example Heat may be lost by water evaporation from the skin of the infant, and this is especially likely immediately after delivery. Nursing strategies can address each of these mechanisms. Taking the case of healthy term infants, the most suitable ideal strategy would be to wrap the term infant in warm blankets and to place them into the mothers' arms. The neonate should be dried completely to prevent evaporative heat loss. The neonate can be placed in a preheated radiant warmer immediately after delivery. A water impervious blanket can prevent evaporative heat loss. Cold oxygen from mask blowing over the neonate's skin should be prevented. Once stabilized, the neonate should be transferred to convection warmed incubator since radiant warmer cannot prevent convection heat loss (Sauer PJJ et al., 1984). Most preterm infants usually present with typical signs and symptoms of respiratory distress. These include retractions of the chest, grunting with breathing, rales, rhonchi, nasal flaring, and tachypnoea. Additionally, there may be tachycardia, murmurs, and cyanosis. Most preterm babies demonstrate a central cyanosis with cyanosis of the oral mucous membrane. Congenital heart disease may present with differential cyanosis with respiratory distress. There may be associated hypertension or hypotension. There may be hyperpnoea of deep unlaboured breathing or rapid and shallow breathing. There may be disease specific signs and symptoms. Clinically, the onset of massive pulmonary hemorrhage is heralded by sudden deterioration of the infant with hypotension, pallor, cyanosis, bradycardia, or apnea. Pink or red frothy liquid drains from the mouth. There can be periodic breathing, defined as recurrent sequences of pauses in respiration lasting 5 to 10 seconds followed by 10 to 15 seconds o f rapid respiration. Apnoeic episodes are cessation of respiration for 15 to 20 seconds, frequently complicated by cyanosis, pallor, or bradycardia. Small preterm infants exhibit these systemic responses more readily than do more mature infants, even when the apnea is shorter. Bradycardia can be observed during apnoea (Behrman RE et al., 2002). Causes 1. Respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). 2. Bacterial pneumonia/sepsis 3. Pneumothorax (generally follows initiation of respiratory support, but may occur spontaneously). 4. Pulmonary hemorrhage: more common in preterm infants (specially those with those with respiratory distress syndrome) 5. Congenital pulmonary hypoplasia. Activity 3: Hypoglycaemia in the Newborn Perturbations in glucose metabolism after birth, caused by failure to adapt to the extrauterine environment as a result of either alterations in maternal metabolism or intrinsic metabolic problems in the neonate, often result in hypoglycaemia. Although a consensus regarding cutoff values for hypoglycemia has not been reached, most investigators would consider a plasma glucose concentration of lower than 36 mg/dL to be low when it requires intervention, in a full-term neonate 2 to 3 hours after birth. Care should be taken in interpreting glucose values during the transition period of the first 2 to 3 hours after birth, when the plasma glucose concentration may drop to low levels followed by spontaneous improvement. If low glucose levels are observed during this time, frequent glucose determinations

Sunday, August 25, 2019

The topic can be proposed by the writer Research Paper - 3

The topic can be proposed by the writer - Research Paper Example Putting up a business in China is advantageous in several ways. First, technological devices are used daily as a result of making live comfortable and work simple. Secondly, there is an availability of a ready market for technical inventions. Inventions of all kinds are found in America. That makes it a destination market for any inventor. The gaming industry has not been left out in the technological world. There are over 170 million hardcore gamers in the United States thus attracting inventions to meet this demand. Like their American counterparts, China is also a country that produces technology to a great extent. It is an essential industry that dominated the video games industry for many years (Grubb, 2013). The domination on the gaming platform was as a result, a successful Chineseeconomic structure. In the year 2013, China’s gaming industry generated 13 billion US dollars. The gaming industry development in China is highly attributed to established markets abroad. Like in other countries, foreign games often sell very well in the Chinese market. None the less it still has the largest mobile games market. Social media plays a great role both in America and China in marketing the latest games. Oculus, a product bought by Facebook enjoys this marketing platform mostly on Facebook. Oculus is an invention that takes players closer to reality. It also puts the player to interact with friends on Facebook in the same virtual space. Considering Facebook as a social platform and emphasis, this technology will be applied to interpersonal communication. With 208 million active Facebook users in the United States, the Oculus is set to have great success supported by a culture that embraces technology and a political platform that supports innovation. These two countries show significant potential for the Oculus. The American market will easily be accessible, the Chinese market that is greatly dominated by mobile games and faces a great challenge if the price of

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Inclusion - Special Educational Needs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Inclusion - Special Educational Needs - Essay Example and b., in the absence of the special educational provisions (Sec. 312 Education Act 1996) (Blackpool Council, 2009) educational provisions that are in addition to or happen to be inherently different from the educational provisions extended to the other students of the same age group in the academic institutions run by the Local Authorities (Blackpool Council, 2009). There are many children who face learning disabilities of one kind or other during their school years. Children having special educational needs may require extra help while dealing with a range of areas in their schools that include: Generally speaking, making provisions for the children with special educational needs in the secondary education is a very humane approach towards education and is in consonance with the contemporary Western ideals pertaining to education. Every child deserves a chance to make the best of his/her abilities and the inherent disabilities in no way should hamper a child from pursuing proper education and academic aspirations. However, the concept of SEN took a relatively long time to become an integral part of the British education system. The Education Act of 1944 strived to define special educational needs in terms of concrete and discernable medical disabilities. The Warnock Report of 1978 that preceded the 1981 Education Act revolutionized the concept of special educational needs, that became much more inclusive in its approach and aspired to define the learning disabilities in terms of the "common educational goals for all children" (House of Commons Educational and Skills Committee, 2005: 11). The ensuing legislations stressed upon the need for not discriminating against the children with special educational needs. However, the 1981 Education Act failed to make ample financial provisions for statementing and teacher training. Through out the 90s despite the existence of Warnock Framework, there was a marked decline in the number of children in special schools and a steady rise in the number of children identified as having special educational needs (House of Commons Educational and Skills Committee, 2005: 13). T he Labour government tried to align the state standing in consonance with the UN Statement on Special Needs Education 1994, in the form of 1997 Green Paper 'Excellence for All Children Meeting Special Educational Needs (House of Commons Education and Skills Committee, 2005: 11). Thus for the first time the state tried to make a genuine and sincere effort to incorporate the

Friday, August 23, 2019

How the Elements of Poetry Have An Effect on a Poem Essay

How the Elements of Poetry Have An Effect on a Poem - Essay Example On the other hand, a metaphor refers to the comparison of two phenomena but without the use of as, like or such. The metaphor usually states that one phenomenon is in fact another. Throughout this poem the entire concept of happiness was embodied with the use of metaphors and similes. Firstly, the author began the poem with the idea of an early morning setting. The imagery used to denote how early was the fact that ‘it was still dark out’. It appears that the poet used an extended metaphor of early morning to denote happiness. Every minute detail of the morning was ultimately equated to happiness. From the apparent darkness of the early morning to the welcoming light, which causes the moon to fade, indicate the sheer extent of the poet’s happiness. The activity of the two boys in the street every step they made brought happiness closer and closer until ‘it goes beyond, really’ - beyond the immediate gaze of the poet to another location where happiness would continue. The early morning darkness surrendering to the light of the day also gives continuity to happiness because another early morning would appear sometime ‘beyon d’ this instantaneous setting. Interestingly, he used the notion of tangible things to connote the intangible. Hence ‘early morning stuff’ was compared to deep ‘thought’ in the mind of the poet. Thus, the use of this metaphor allows the reader to view ‘thought’ as a normal part of early morning activity such as brushing one’s teeth or bathing. Thought takes on the added dimension of early morning ‘stuff’. The author then uses the comparison of silence with happiness. Thus, the metaphor is the equation of silence to happiness. The poet conveys, ‘they are so happy they aren’t saying anything.’ Clearly, the poet believes that true happiness signifies the unspoken word and the lack of noise or interference to disturb the position of happiness. Happiness now has a voice that refuses to

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Adele Laurie Blue Essay Example for Free

Adele Laurie Blue Essay Adele Laurie Blue Adkins was born on May 5, 1988 in North London, England. She was the only child of Penny Adkins who was just 18 at the time of her birth, and a Welsh father, Mark, who left the family when Adele was only 4 years old. Mark, who never married Penny, stayed in contact with his daughter up until her teen years, when appeared problems with alcohol. That is the reason why Adele grew close to her mom, who said her young daughter to explore, and not to stick with one thing†. Adele developed a passion for musicin her early years. Because of it her mother took Adele in the BRIT School for Performing Arts Technology, where Amy Winehouse studied. While at school, Adele made a three-track demo for a class project, which was posted on her MySpace page. When executives at XL Recordings heard the tracks, they contacted the singer and, just four months after Adele had graduated school, signed a contract. Adeles debut album, 19, hit record stores because of two singles Hometown Glory and Chasing Pavements which became very popular. She won Grammy and the Critics Choice prize at the BRIT Awards. See more: Homeless satire essay Her album 21, selling 352,000 copies by its first week. Her two singles, Rolling in the Deep and Someone Like You, became top and 19 and 21 became a top albums in the same week. Adele also broke the solo female artist record for staying at No. 1 for 11 weeks. At that year Adele won six Grammies. In this year Adele won her seventh Grammy for her hit single Set Fire to the Rain†, an Academy Award and a Golden Globe Award for the song Skyfall†. Also Adele has a child. The babys father is Adeles boyfriend, Simon Konecki. She said that she wants to have three sons by the time shes 30.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Nutrition - Food Essay Example for Free

Nutrition Food Essay Thesis Statement Most of the college students have unhealthy food preferences. Topic Outline I.Influence of Media A. Calorie-dense foods are extremely rewarding to consume. B.Causes greater snack food consumption. II.Income of an individual A.Eating healthy is expensive. B.Low income individual eat and buy cheaper foods. III.Convenience A.Fast and easy access 1.Delivery services 2.Ready to eat foods a. frozen foods 1.)TV dinners 2.)shelf-stable products 3.)prepared mixes B.Saves time Food, in order to serve its purpose, should first be consumed. Under normal circumstances, food is consumed only if it is palatable enough for the consumer. It therefore becomes a great responsibility of one who prepares and serves food to make the food palatable besides being nutritious and safe. Food habits do not develop in a vacuum. Like other forms of human behavior, they are the result of many personal, cultural, social, and psychological influences (Williams, 1974). Nowadays, teenagers choose food they like without considering about it contains. Because of busy life, they choose fast food, snack which is non-nutritive over nutritive-rich ones like rice, meat, and do not care if it shortens their life, damage their health or cause many diseases. There are numerous factors that affect the food habits of each person within a culture. Some of this is the societal factor and the lifestyle factor. In societal factor, the food production and distribution system are responsible for the availability of foods which differs from region to region and country to country. Food availability influenced by the socioeconomic and political systems. On the other hand, in lifestyle, both availability and control of food at the societal level affect the lifestyle factors of individuals. These factors includes income, occupation, place of residence, regional differences, religious beliefs, health beliefs, physiological characteristics, puberty, gender, person’s state of health and lastly, the household structure and composition (Kittler Sucher, 2004).

The Flea John Donne Analysis

The Flea John Donne Analysis Born in 1572, John Donne was an English poet and perhaps one of the best metaphysical poets of his era. His works are notable for their realistic style and include sonnets and love poetry. One of his most famous piece of work is The Flea. Historians are yet to determine the exact time this poem was written, but as a posthumous publication, it was published in the year 1633. One must remember the time this poem was composed, the behavior of people was a very conservative one therefore, using conceit to woo the girl, and he tries to break the barriers. The theme of the poem is disguised in the form of a simple insect such as the flea representing lust and seductive desires. A very avid theme of poetic conceit is used in the duration of this poem. This method is used as an extended metaphor, in this case the flea itself. It is indeed a very humorous method of extending the metaphor to add life to the poem. The guy is asking the girl present to observe a flea in their presence, and is almost imploring her to think how little is what he asks from her. This is one of the best examples used in this work of poetic conceit. He has compared the flea and the blood within it to them being as good as married. The flea has sucked his blood and hers, therefore coming to the conclusion, that, the flea consists of both of their bloods mingled in it. He is very suggestive in implying they are almost more than married. In the olden days, making love amongst two lovers was considered mingling their bloods, they would have to be one flesh before they could do the deed. So, when he refers to the flee having their bloods mingled already, he implies there is no reason for her to say no to him. He draws her attention to the fact that now that their bloods are already mingled and mixed, giving herself to him would not be considered as a shame or a sin or loss of her virginity as they are already one entity. He feels that the flea has joined them in such a manner, And this, alas! Is more than we would do. In the next stanza of the poem, as the story progresses, it seems the girl wishes to kill the flea, and the boy stops her by saying O Stay where hes asked her to stop, as he tries to convince her that this flea not only contains its own life, but also theirs. Clare Middleton from the English Review has made an interesting observation regarding his behavior towards women saying, This speaker excels in dazzling his female conquests with his wit and intelligence. In The Flea, his argument that the woman should submit sexually to him twists and turns in response to her unheard words and unseen actions. He claims initially that the flea represents the tiny moral decision facing her (How little that which thou denyst me is) and then quickly adopts a less flippant tone, suggesting that the flea in fact represents the great sanctity of their sexual contract, because were met/and cloistered in these living walls of jet. When the woman confounds him by killing the flea, its insignificance, which is implicit in her Cruel and sudden act, is the cue for the final twist of his argument: Just so much honor, when thou yieldst to me,/Will waste, as this fleas death took life from thee. From a female point of view, the wittily blasphemous argument is impressive not so much for its details as for its persistence. The phallic imagery of the flea, which pampered, swells with on e blood made of two, implies that the amount of intellectual energy expended in the pursuit is directly proportionate to the physical efforts that might follow the womans capitulation. It may not be politically correct, but it is highly erotic. (Middleton) Once again, using the idea of conceit, he describes in a very metaphysical manner the connection they have with each other using the flea as a center that is holding their lives within it. He tries to woo her on by saying the flea is like their marriage bed and marriage temple, in which their relationship is sanctified and nothing is wrong with it. He hopes she thinks that due to using that as a metaphor, she feels the purity of the deed he wishes to commit and does not look at it as a sin or matter of shame. He extends the flea from just being the institution of the marriage to it now being their marriage bed or marriage temple. Wisam, in The Explicator published in Washington has expanded on this by stating, Donne fundamentally probes the dominant, male sexuality that the text appears to be pushing the woman toward. In fact, the male speaker in the poem assumes the position of the woman seduced rather than that of the invading flea, whose conduct provides a medium for his contention. The male speaker declares that he is sucked [] first (3), and the ambiguity of this in line 5 implies that what cannot be said / A sin, or shame refers to some extant to the speakers experiencing pleasure by that sucking. Mansour, Wisam. The Explicator. v. 65 no1 (Fall 2006) p. 7-9 Very cleverly he plays with words where he says, And cloisterd in these living walls of jet. Jet, is a deep glossy black stone. In this case, he is referring to the color of the flea. He generates strong imagery in this line, by comparing a lifeless black stone with the living walls. She moves to kill the flea, and he aptly implies she would be killing him and additionally herself. He refers to her killing herself as suicide and mentions sacrilege if she were to do it, as she would be committing 3 sins at one go, taking his life, committing suicide and killing the flea. Donne has used a lot of symbolism in the entirety of the poem. Throughout the poem, hes used the flea as a symbol of their togetherness, and expands on it being their marriage bed. He alludes to the symbolism of the Holy Trinity when he talks about three things in one body. One of the very interesting modes of symbolism he has used is blood, particularly in the last stanza. Blood symbolizes life and Donne has used it to symbolize erotic passion and religious devotion. In the last stanza, she crushes the fly, not paying any heed or attention to his advances on her. He has already mentioned blood of theirs being intermingled in the body of the flea, representing them being one flesh. He admonishes her and asks her regarding the sin the poor flee had committed other than the fact that the flea just sucked a little blood from them. It is worth mentioning here the role of the female in this poem. Her objections are never noted, just reacted to, and she makes a very powerful yet non-verbal statement by crushing the flea. Very interestingly the reader can see the conceits in which he first tries to show the flea being greater than the church, the sacred relationship between a man and woman and then slowly showing the church and the relationship being greater than just a mere flea. He has realized that she has not fallen for his arguments; therefore he changes tactic and his argument therein. He carries his conceit through, now giving her no reason not to sleep with him, he argues that killing the flea was an easy thing, as she shows it did not harm them, he claims then yielding to him would have just been as easy and painless as killing the flea. To summarize, this work is a metaphysical play with words, wherein themes such as lust, religious imagery, and playful nature are being used. Donne has used words which allude to spiritual aspects of living in that era which give more than one view on what he is actually trying to say. In conclusion, the poem uses a lot of religious imagery as it helps add a sort of authority to the poem, as Donne has shown and argued that what they were about to do was not only supported by religion and God, but not doing it would be sacrilege too. The method of poetic conceit was used very cleverly to extend the flea to have many different meanings to it and add more color and humor to it. Kerins, in another Journal talking about The Flea makes an interesting observation, Donne was the first to have the flea bite both him and his mistress, thus making it a symbol not of the lovers desire but of the desired union {The Elegies . . . , 174). The flea becomes a union symbol because in its mingling of bloods it symbolizes the mingling of bloods thought to take place during coition (cf. Gardner, 175).

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Analyzing an Advertisement for a Texas Instruments Calculator Essay

Analyzing an Advertisement for a Texas Instruments Calculator Get your own. These words literally speak for themselves when it comes to the Texas Instruments calculator: TI-83+ silver edition. â€Å"Get your own† is the title that appears at the top of the advertisement for the TI-83+ silver edition. The title is reemphasized by a group of teenagers pictured below the title. The teens pictured in the photo are all playfully trying to get their hands on the coveted TI-83+ silver edition-graphing calculator. Directly below the picture of the teens, is a graphic of an enlarged graphing calculator, and displayed on the screen of the calculator is the new phonebook feature. Then, to the right of the graphic are three short phrases that reemphasize and support the title of the advertisement. These phrases state: more power, more speed, and more fun. Preceding these three phrases is a web address. The address shows the TI-83+ silver edition calculator in more depth, and also reiterates the title of the advertisement. The website is gottagetyour is implying that all students need their own calculator, and the TI-83+ silver edition is the best choice. The advertisement was found in the September issue of Teen Magazine. The author carefully planned the placement of this advertisement with the viewers in mind, for he or she was targeting those returning to school. The author most likely chose Teen Magazine to present the advertisement for reasons mostly relating to the viewer. The individuals that read Teen Magazine are in general teenagers that are attending school. Targeting teens in general would be a plus in the sense of advertising, for teenagers are interested in new technology, and want to have the latest fashion, or in this inst... ... with the viewer. Overall, the Texas Instruments TI-83+ silver edition calculator advertisement is an article displayed in such away that appeals to those seeking some form of education. In most cases the advertisement would call to the teen genre. The advertisement displays the title â€Å"Get Your Own† at the top of the page to put emphasis on the remainder of the article. The picture of the teens and the full size picture of the calculator are just other examples of why each individual should get their own TI-83+ silver edition calculator. Along with three small phrases and a web address, the article is compl! ete in its emphasis of the title. â€Å"Get Your Own,† is a phrase that would definitely stand out in a persons mind after viewing the article, therefore, the designer did a quality job formatting the advertisement. Then â€Å"Get Your Own† pretty much sums up the article.

Monday, August 19, 2019

Rhetorical Strategies in Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God Essay

â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God†-Essay In the 1700’s the Puritans left England for the fear of being persecuted. They moved to America for religious freedom. The Puritans lived from God’s laws. They did not depend as much on material things, and they had a simpler and conservative life. More than a hundred years later, the Puritan’s belief toward their church started to fade away. Some Puritans were not able to recognize their religion any longer, they felt that their congregations had grown too self-satisfied. They left their congregations, and their devotion to God gradually faded away. To rekindle the fervor that the early Puritans had, Jonathan Edwards and other Puritan ministers led a religious revival through New England. Edwards preached intense sermons that awakened his congregation to an awareness of their sins. With Edwards’ sermon, â€Å"Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God† he persuades the Puritans to convert back to Puritanism, by utilizing rhetorical strategies s uch as, imagery, loaded diction, and a threatening and fearful tone. Edwards applied masses of descriptive imagery in his sermon to persuade the Puritans back to their congregation. For example, he gave fear to the Puritans through this quote, â€Å"We find it easy to tread on and crush a worm that we see crawling on the earth, so it is easy for us to cut a singe a slender thread that any thing hangs by, thus easy is it for God when he pleases to cast his enemies down to hell†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (pg. 153) In this quotation, he utilized vivid imagery because he wanted the Puritans to visibly imagine what he was saying through his sermon, on how angry God is with them, which made them convert back to Puritanism. Through the use of vivid imagery such as â€Å"crush a w... ...God†, by Jonathan Edwards successfully persuaded the Puritans to be converted back to Puritanism. Through Edwards’ sermon the Puritans were compelled to renew their faith back to God. Edwards gave the Puritans a sense of realization, which caused them to go back to their congregation. Edwards horrified the Puritans, with his use of vivid and descriptive imagery, which effectively persuaded them to return to the congregation. Through his utilization of numerous loaded and highly emotional diction, he petrified and convinced the Puritans to go back to the church of God. He also gloriously enhances his sermon with his utilization of threatening and fearful tone tormented the Puritans and convinces them to be pious once again. Jonathan Edwards’s utilization of numerous rhetorical strategies effectively persuaded the Puritans to convert back to their congregations.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

Essay --

Efficient communication between cells is crucial in governing cellular activities. Cytokines are a key element of the cell signaling process and mediate communication among cells. Cytokines are a type of small proteins released by cells that have an effect on the behavior of other cells. There are several different types of cytokines including interleukins, interferons, and tumour necrosis factor. Many different types of cells can produce cytokines, such as immune cells like macrophages, mast cells, and B lymphoctyes. Cytokines are especially important in the immune system because they help coordinate that balance between the cell-based immune response and the humoral immune response. There are several different factors that go into play in the function of cytokines and their effect. There are many different types of cytokines, and each cytokines has a matching cell-surface receptor. Cytokines bind to specific receptors on target cells with high affinity. Cascades of intercellular signaling following then have an effect on the function of cells. Depending on what type of cytokines,...

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Ethical differences in cultures Essay

Culture is defined by Lustig and Koester (2003) as an acquired set of shared values, norms and beliefs by a group of people. It is the unifying element communities have. It is their image and identity. Other definitions classified culture as a means by which people communicate with each other, more importantly how they set goals. Goal setting in communities should coincide well with the culture it shall reside in. This is because of the observation that it is better that the goals match with culture, otherwise the people will not find the initiative to accomplish these goals. With that said, culture have a long-term perspective. Since culture is the silent agreement about how things should be in their community, one can assume that its influencing factors include their goals. Furthermore, setting group or community goals are one of the major elements that would affect culture. For example, if the community decided that they should be the cleanest county in the country, then they are framing how their culture should be like: conscious and disciplined. The perspective applied in culture is more long-term. However, this does not mean to say that culture cannot set short-term goals. This paper believes that culture does not give greater importance to rules and regulations because one can say that the rules and regulations are actually based on the culture of the community. It is more important to point what created the culture, which are the relationships and spirit involved within their group or community. Rules and regulations would stand as a form of guidelines for the people so that they will not deviate far from what has been silently agreed upon within the circle. But the relationships are those that binds everything as one culture. The article written by Eric Leocadio entitled Reinventing Our Culture Through Relationships concluded that people can change their culture by embracing relationships. Although the article regarded the different genders, it still pointed out that relationships create trust and understanding. Furthermore, this paper believes that relationships increases the desire to share interests and beliefs. They will be able to interact more, and have stronger bonds. Rules and regulations cannot produce the same thing from the people. Coercion is not a suggested activity to shape culture, unless they want the people to always have a sense of fear. To reiterate, culture is a shared aspect of the group or community involving values, beliefs and norms. With this said, it is possible that culture could be the standards by which the people live by. A culture will not tell what profession or gender is acceptable, but the people will. However, as time moves forward, the culture will eventually dictate for the people. They should stand firm upon the criteria they have set for themselves. There should not be constant changes, unless that is already the nature of the culture. However, most of the time, cultures are set through the years, and is difficult to change overnight. In summary, short term goals are set in accordance to the culture, while long term goals are the elements that strongly affects the culture of the community or group. Relationships are the factors that influence culture. Rules and regulations are created from their culture. In relation to how standards are set, the people subconsciously create the culture, and one day confer to this culture. With this said, it is quite funny to think that what man has created, man follows. Sometimes, man even follows blindly. References Leocadio, E. (n. d. ).Reinventing our culture through relationships. Retrieved January 15, 2007 from http://www. catalystlb. org/article_reinventing_relationships. php. Pratt-Johnson, Y. (February 2006). Communication cross-culturally: What teachers should know. Retrieved January 15, 2007 from http://iteslj. org/Articles/Pratt-Johnson- CrossCultural. html.

Friday, August 16, 2019

Discussion Questions

DQ1: Please describe the kinds of evidence that a plaintiff can present in order to establish a negligent act. In a negligence suit, the plaintiff has the burden of proving that the defendant did not act as a reasonable person would have acted under the circumstances. The court will instruct the jury as to the standard of conduct required of the defendant. For example, a defendant sued for negligent driving is judged according to how a reasonable person would have driven in the same circumstances.A plaintiff has a variety of means of proving that a defendant did not act as the hypothetical reasonable person would have acted. The plaintiff can show that the defendant violated a statute designed to protect against the type of injury that occurred to the plaintiff. Also, a plaintiff might introduce expert witnesses, evidence of a customary practice, or circumstantial evidence. DQ2. Research one court case addressing Health Care Law that corresponds to the material in this seminar's read ing and write a 1-2 paragraph summary of the case.Please be sure to include the case name in your reference listing and the source of your information. The case that I chose to write on came from our textbook, but I did some additional research online and found more information on this particular case. The case involves a mother and father who filed a wrongful death suit against their OB/GYN’s for the wrongful death of their unborn son. Initially, the court found in favor of the physicians, but after an appeal process to the U. S. Supreme Court of Appeals, they were granted a judgment in their favor. Tara Reese went to the Fort Worth Osteopathic Medical Center emergency room in her seventh month of pregnancy, complaining of a racing pulse and dizziness. Doctors determined that she had a high pulse rate and high blood pressure and sent her to the labor and delivery room for further observation. On multiple occasions through the course of the evening, doctors monitored the hear t tones of the fetus, which were often difficult to detect. The following morning the doctors confirmed that the fetus would be stillborn.Tara and her husband, Donnie Reese, brought suit against Fort Worth Osteopathic Hospital, Osteopathic Family Medicine Clinics, Craig Smith, D. O. , Roberta Beals, D. O. , Reid Culton, D. O. , and John Chapman, D. O. (health care providers), for negligence, gross negligence, and vicarious liability, seeking damages under the wrongful death and survival statutes and for personal injuries to Tara Reese. The trial court granted summary judgment in favor of all health care providers. The Reeses appealed all claims except that against Dr.Chapman. The court of appeals affirmed the summary judgment disposing of Donnie Reeses individual bystander claim, but reversed the remainder of the summary judgment, remanding the case to the trial court. The health care providers petitioned this Court for review, arguing that the court of appeals incorrectly held that the Reeses could assert wrongful death and survival actions and that Tara Reese could assert her own individual claim. Donnie Reese did not appeal the adverse judgment against his individual claim. (Phillips, 2003) Essentially, this case has a lot of grey area that borders on the hot topic of abortion and whether a fetus is considered alive and entitled to all the rights before it is born. Another issue I found with this case is that you are going to find the same types of cases across the U. S. with different outcomes depending on the state in which the trial was held. References Phillips, T. U. S. Supreme Court of Appeals, the Second District of Texas. (2003). Reese v. fort worth osteopathic hospital inc. (02-1061). Retrieved from THE SUPREME COURT OF TEXAS website: http://www. supreme. courts. state. tx. us/historical

Thursday, August 15, 2019

Heart of Darkness Inner Evil

Final Paper Realization of the inner evil in the Heart of Darkness. Evil is an inherent part of all humans. This is clearly illustrated in the novella Heart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad. As Marlow takes on the journey to find Kurtz, he really is taking a journey to find himself. Much to his dismay he realizes that the same evil Kurtz possesses, he possesses as well. Conrad uses this realization to show the reader that under the right circumstances, evil can overtake anyone’s mind and actions. When Marlow was sent on the mission to find Kurtz, his true self came out.Kurtz was like Marlow when he first entered the Congo; he had good intentions. Marlow’s trip down the Congo represents a journey into his inner self. As he traveled further down the Congo he began to learn more about himself and became more savage. He started to realize he had more in common with the native savages than his own people. Kurtz was known as a smart and honorable man. He had been in the Congo fo r a very long time before Marlow was sent to look for him. Kurtz had been secluded from society for quite some time and had become a powerful, godlike presence over the inhabitants of the Congo.He was originally sent to find ivory but found power. The power he possessed was the power to be evil. â€Å"Kurtz became ‘savage’†¦ disconnected as it is from the restraining impulses of civilization, untrammeled, without sidewalks, or police men,† ( At the Heart of Darkness: Crimes Against Humanity and the Banality of Evil, Brigit and Daniel Maier-Katkin). The fact that Kurtz had no one to answer to, and, no one to judge him, gave him the opportunity to be evil. In the Congo, the only punishment is death, and Kurtz made sure that he wasn’t the one who’d be killed.With good knowledge of Kurtz, Marlow was still eager to meet him. When Marlow finally met Kurtz he found evil. He realized the evil within all humans. Conrad shows the reader what man is witho ut society, rules, and regulations. The reader learns how man can become a vicious animal in the wild and how it can exist in all people. When Marlow found Kurtz, he was very weak and was close to death. â€Å"As Kurtz emerges from his blankets †¦ his moribund condition is also personally retributive, and oblique revenge on himself. (Lying as Dying in Heart of Darkness by Garret Stewart. ) Conrad shows us the peril and consequence of evil with the condition that Kurtz is in. He reminds the reader that being evil is not the right way to live and will eventually take its toll on a person’s mind, body, and soul. Kurtz dies on the way back home in the boat and his last words were â€Å"The horror, the horror. † â€Å"His was an impenetrable darkness. I looked at him as you peer down at a man who is lying at the bottom of a precipice where the sun never shines,† Marlow said about Kurtz.This shows how empty and cold Kurtz looked as he was dying. When Marlow retu rned home he comes across Kurtz’s fiance. She was upset and asked Marlow about Kurtz’ last words. He lies to her and tells her his last words were her name. He lied because he didn’t have the heart to tell her that Kurtz went insane and became evil, he kept it to himself and made her last thought of Kurtz a good one: â€Å"I could not tell her. It would have been too dark-too dark altogether†¦. † Marlow's journey into the heart of darkness, into his inner self, was a positive life lesson.Kurtz, who represented evil, went down with the evil. When Marlow came out of the Congo he survived evil, he did not give in to the evil that was present throughout his journey. Marlow did not succumb to the temptations that Kurtz did. Even though he lies to Kurtz’ fiance he has still become a good person. He will forever remember the memory of Kurtz and the inner evil that he came across in the heart of darkness. Conrad shows that in the end evil will fail an d good will prevail.

‘On The Idle Hill’ and ‘The Charge Of The Light Brigade’ Essay

In this essay I intend to write about and compare these two poems, ‘On The Idle Hill’ and ‘The Charge Of The Light Brigade.’ I have chosen these two particular poems because I feel I have a greater understanding of them and I found them the most powerful out of the selection, I also thought they showed best the experience of war. A.E.Housman wrote ‘On The Idle Hill’ in 1896, he was not thinking of a particular war when he wrote it he looked at the beauty and horror of war. I will use (1) to represent ‘On The Idle Hill’. Alfred Tennyson wrote ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ in 1854. He was writing about the Crimean war that occurred between 1854 and 1856. I will use (2) to represent ‘Charge of the Light Brigade’. In this essay I will look at layout and also various writing techniques for example, alliteration, metaphors and personification. Poem (1) is on the subject of war in general; it’s about the glory and the disaster of the whole experience. It begins with the build up to war by talking about the stillness before the war and also talks about the drumming noise from afar it then goes on to tell of the soldiers marching into battle. It ends with the image of death and destruction like a blanket over the ground. Poem (2) is all about the Crimean War from a poet’s point of view. It follows the British Cavalry into war and it gives a detailed picture of all that happened during the battle. (2) begins with the order from the British cavalry commander to go forward and attack, he had mistaken the orders given to him and the poem then tells us about the tragic consequences. I am now going to look at the layout of each poem. (1) Is a small poem that consists of four verses that have four lines each; the lines are all of similar length. It uses indentations to make the poem look attractive and to make it appeal to potential readers. (2) Is a lot more random; it has six verses that contain between 8 and 12 lines. The lengths of these lines vary and indentations are used randomly throughout the poem. I am now going to look at the language used by each poet. In (1) the poet Housman begins by setting the scene he creates a tranquil and calm atmosphere by using words such as; summer, sleepy, streams and dreams, I think he paints this picture to show how a peaceful area can be so damaged and disrupted by war. He then introduces war by mentioning the drumming noise from far away; at the end of verse two is the first time he mentions humans, â€Å"Soldiers marching all to die,† (V2 line 4). He doesn’t go into any detail of the battle, which keeps this poem quite serene. He then goes straight to the death and destruction that was left after the battle, he uses words like; bones, forgotten, dead and rotten. They are all quite dark words and in the readers mind will probably create a picture of morbid stillness. (2) Is a very detailed report on what happened during the battle whereas the other was dreamier. The first two verses are setting the scene by saying what happened when they first went into war, there are hardly any adjectives. Verses three and four however is full of adjectives such as; flashed, volleyed, thundered, boldly and shattered, they are all quite striking words and they are used by the poet to create a dramatic and vivid picture. This is the same in verses five and six but they also include words such as; hero, honour and noble. These are used to show the courage and bravery of the Brigade. I am now going to look at the diverse writing techniques used by both of the poets. Alliteration is a commonly used technique, in (1) there are numerous examples of it, â€Å"Far and near, low and louder,† (V2 line 1), and in this case the alliteration is used to imitate the steady beat that is made by the drummers as they approach the battle. Another example is, â€Å"Bleach the bones of comrades slain,† (V3 line 3), here it is used to emphasize the awful situation, and to make obvious that many, many people died. In (2) alliteration is also used quite frequently, â€Å"stormed at with shot and shell,† (V3 line 5); this is used to stress the violence and brutality of the battle. It is then use again, â€Å"horse and hero fell,† (v5 line 5), and this is used to put emphasis on the tragic circumstance the cavalry is in. Onomatopoeia is a word that imitates the sound it is describing; it is used only in (1). â€Å"Far I hear the steady drummer, Drumming like a noise in dreams†, (V1 lines 3 & 4), the word drum definitely sounds like the noise of a drum. It is used to create a feeling of rhythm and beat. It is then used again but in a different way, â€Å"Far the calling bugles hollo,† (V4 line 1), the poet hear has written what he thinks a bugle’s call sounds like this gives the reader a sense of the noises that would be heard on a battle ground. An oxymoron is two words that are put together but that actually contradict each other. One was found in (1) it was used to describe the sound the drum makes, â€Å"Far and near, low and louder,† (V2 line 1). It is impossible for something to be far and near, this is used to describe the feeling that the noise was all around them and coming from every direction. There aren’t any oxymorons in (2). Metaphors are a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is given to an object or action that it does not literally mean. There are no metaphors used in (1) whereas in (2) I found a couple, â€Å"Into the jaws of death, into the mouth of hell†, (V3 lines 7 & 8) of course there cannot literally be ‘jaws of death’ the phrase is used to represent death itself, it is almost personifying death by saying that it has a jaw and a mouth. Another not so strong metaphor was, â€Å"Flashed all their sabres bare. Flashed as they turned in air,† (V4 lines 1 & 2), their swords or sabres id not literally flash it just seemed like they did because the sun will have reflected off of them. Metaphors in both of these cases are used to create pictures in the readers’ heads. Assonance is the use of the repetition of a vowel sound, it was used in (1) only once, † high the screaming fife replies,† (V4 line 3) it is used to create a sense of rhythm and beat, the vowel sound may also represent the noise that the fife makes. In (2) Assonance is also used † Shattered and Sundered,† (V4 line 7), this again is used to create rhythm using this technique always accentuates the words and their meanings within the poem. Another example is, â€Å"All the world wondered,† (V6 line 3) this is a mix of alliteration and assonance and together these techniques make this phrase very powerful. Repetition is a brilliant way of creating rhythm in a poem it features heavily throughout (2), â€Å"cannon to the right of them, cannon in front of them, cannon to the left of them,† (V3 lines 1,2 & 3), as I said it creates rhythm and in this case also underlines the exceedingly difficult position they are in. At the end of every verse in (2) a line is repeated which alters slightly throughout the poem, in verses 1, 2 and 3 the finishing line is, â€Å"Rode the six hundred.† Whereas in verse 4 it is, â€Å"Not the six hundred,† verse 5 it is, â€Å"Left of six hundred,† and on the finishing verse, verse 6 it is, â€Å"Noble six hundred.† By using this at the end of every verse it shows how they are managing in the battle, and it gives an overview of what happened in the verse. In (1) there is no repetition at all. Rhyme is the most commonly thought of technique in poetry, in (1) rhyme is used very strongly throughout the poem. In every verse the words at the end of line one and three rhyme and the ends of lines two and four rhyme and this pattern does not break once, it creates rhythm and makes the poem flow, this makes it pleasant for the reader. In (2) rhyme is used an awful lot, again at the end of lines but it is not as organised its very random. For example, â€Å"Theirs is not make reply, Theirs is not to reason why, Theirs is but to do or die,† (V2 lines 5,6 & 7), this creates strong rhythm and lays emphasis on that particular section. In conclusion, I think that these poems are very different in size, layout, language and writing style. They have very little in common and both look at the experience of war in very different ways. ‘On the Idle Hill is dreamy, still and tranquil whereas ‘The Charge of the Light Brigade’ is dramatic, vivid and striking.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

A Day in the Life of My Mother

Name: Zoey Tan Wei Lin (32) Class: 2 Endurance Date: 7 March 2011 A Day in the Life of My Mother A day in the life of my mother when she was my age was not easy. So a day in her teenager life starts like this. Early in the morning, about five thirty a. m. , I wake up and found a warm blanket on top of me. ‘Father had waked up and had covered me, again, in his warm blanket. ’ I thought. Anyway, I had to get up and help father in his humble little moveable cart that sell rojak, a mixtures of tropical fruits, such as pineapple and so on. So I got up, get dress and was ready. I got out of my room which I shared with four other siblings, my second sister, my younger sister, my second brother and my youngest brother. My mother had seven children, three sons and four daughters, however, my eldest sister had pass away when she was a baby. And my eldest brother slept in the living room while my mother and father slept in the other smaller room. My mother rent two rooms in this place near the Singapore River. When I got out I crept pass my grandmother’s bedroom. She is a scary woman, most of us do not like her as she only knows how to take money from father but she did not see how much effort mother and father put in order to support the family. However, when she does not get the money she wanted as the selling of rojak is not good, she will throw the freshly removed skin pineapple on the floor and make a scene. Does she not understand that by doing so, lesser people will want to buy the rojak and thus father could not earn enough to give her? And, of course, I gotten my revenge, I will throw the pineapple skin from other stall at her hair, which is neatly tie up as a bun. Then, I will hide behind one of the big, tall pillar without her noticing and she will start cursing about who naughty children that throw things at her. Little did she know that it was her granddaughter who throws it at her. I walked past my mother’s room, look in and found that she had already when to work. My mother is a pleasant lady that never raises her voice but she does punish us. As I had said, our family is not very wealthy so we could not just get anything we want and my only doll which is made of fragile plastic was being thrown onto the floor and thus, it was broken. It is also one of the reasons why I quit school, I simply cannot bear my mother going around borrowing money to pay for my school fees and to buy the materials needed for schooling. Furthermore, I had to helped my father sell rojak since my other siblings are either too young or does not even care. Thus, when I get home I was so tired! And it is already very late and I did not have time for studies. The lights have been switched off and I had to use an oil lamp but I still cannot see properly under the dim light. Anyway, it had been about four years now since I dropped out of school and my day since then had much like today expect that I had to walk down to Clarke Quark to buy opera tickets for my mother as this evening at the outdoor theatres hall will be showing her favorite show. However, sometimes I get to go home earlier but I will still have to helped my mother cooked rice. We used firewood or charcoal to cook and it will end up very watery than I had to scope the rice up and dry it to become like rice. Now I got out of the house and help father pushed the cart. Fortunately, today is a good day where there is no rain and the sun is not too hot. Thus, we managed to sell all the rojak early but it is still a tiring day as there are a lot of bridges that are very steep and, always, there are those few customer that are very difficult to please. We mainly sell along the Singapore River, it is dirty and smelly as ever. There are many many interesting things that happened daily. Today there was a shark corpse that was found by one of the fisherman and when they cut open the shark, they found a body inside. Today we get to earn a little extra more so dinner was also an extra special. We reach home and while father work inside the kitchen, I went out to play. We can play with many things and we could anything possible to something that amuses us. We also play with fire crackers. But nowadays I did not play so much, instead, I go to people’s park complex to look for either my aunt or my second sister. My second sister was working there as a tailor which I think I might soon join her as I could choose to be either a tailor or a hairdresser but I think i will choose to be a tailor instead of a hairdresser. Because I think it might suit me more. My aunt has a shop there, at the people’s park complex, selling beads, laces and other decorative materials used in sewing. So every night I will drop by there to help out and maybe my aunt will give one to five cents for me to buy sweets but I always save it up in a biscuit tin. Then, I will go home with my sister. And on the way home we will cross one bridge that is very dark and we will always run across it sometimes there noises on it we will scream saying there is a ghost. And when we finally reach home, I will be so tired and will go off to bed. So those were the fond memories my mother had when she was a young adult but her life was not that easy after all. However, she was strong enough and had braved through all difficulties. When I first asked her about her life her first was not good, very bad but her optimist kept her going on. My mother will always be my top number one idol!

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

International Justice And The International Criminal Court Between Essay

International Justice And The International Criminal Court Between Sovereignty And The Rule Of Law - Essay Example He has addressed in International Law at Columbia University, in addition to at King's College London, since then he holds a Ph.D. He discovers resolutions to most important exceptional troubles of international law (universal jurisdiction, bureaucrat immunities, the association of the ICC to national courts, the function of the United States). This book assess the quick current expansion of international illegal law, and discovers explanations to chief harms of bureaucrat invulnerability, worldwide jurisdiction, the International Criminal Court, and the attitude of the United States, looking for to elucidate how impartiality can be done most excellent n a classification of sovereign States. At the same time as neither the ending of the Cold War nor the 'refusal of sovereignty' in themselves make dependable justice more probable, the ICC might give confidence a civilization of answerability that will hold up additional customary enforcement of international criminal law in the long-standing. This book critically defines the consequences of the Cold War, governments and human rights groups pressed for the formation of international legal systems to grasp persons accountable for war crimes, crimes against humankind, and genocide. The Yugoslav and Rwandan courts set significant models, and the 1998 acceptance of the Rome decree of the International Criminal Court offered latest institutional machines. In this helpful review of the emergent field of global criminal law, Broomhall positions these progressions in a wider situation. What is distinguishing about Nuremberg-enthused international criminal law is that it chairs liability on persons relatively than states and relies on such worldwide customs as "international harmony and defense" and "the communal ethics of mankind." These customs of justice, nevertheless, have heightened much more rapidly than have enforcement systems, which stay decisively in the hands of independent states, and in that laid the massage. Broomhal l however disagrees that globalization and the expansion of international civil culture have shaped a novel "legitimation atmosphere," in which governments are beneath greater than before stress to validate their results and tolerate by global customs of liability. This book by Broomhall clearly states pressures between liability and the law of the international globe and the continuing authority of state dominion. The worries inside and boundaries of a range of advancements to

Monday, August 12, 2019

A part of case report Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

A part of case report - Essay Example It proceeded to establish a close relationship with the different game developers with it as the dominant partner. Nintendo controlled the operating system; issued licenses to game developers and producers of games software, and; controlled the manufacture and distribution of game cartridges and imposed royalty. The result was that it raked in most of the potential profit of the whole system although consumer value originally lay in the software (Grant 1104-1105). With the recent release of Nintendo’s latest video game console, the Wii, it was able to maintain its contending position in the industry through the use of reverse positioning strategy, taking advantage, in effect of the rush to outdo competitors through the use of newest state-of-the-art micro-components. This strategy took into consideration the disruptive forces brought about by new technology that changed the video game console industry value driver of profitability: as newer, cutting-edge game console microchips were invented, older ones became passà © and their prices rapidly dropped. Nintendo took an opposing approach by using instead older chips to minimize production costs. The result allows the company to sell at a much lower price per unit than its main competitors and higher profitability return for each of the Wii sold. On the other hand, its competitors Sony (for PS3) and Microsoft (for Xbox 360) which tried to outdo each other by using state-of-the-art chips both lost money (Afuah 215). The success of the Wii launch is underpinned by the bargaining power of buyers that is naturally inclined to lower-priced products which also offer competitive quality. With the launch of the Microsoft Xbox 360 in late 2005, the Nintendo Wii in late 2006 and the Sony PS3 in early 2007, it is evident that a perceptible change in the competitive dynamics of the industry is taking shape. In the past, the winner-take-all characteristic of the video game industry had been shown with the domination of